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AI To Take Lead in Designing New Cities

By Oscar Poblete - REDIA


By Oscar Poblete | President at the Regulation and Development of Artificial Intelligence (REDIA) - Tue, 07/07/2020 - 10:00

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Cities are the result of centuries of history, governments, economy, wars and migration. In other words, action. In 2020, the world is living in a state of complete inactivity, but with the same uncertainty. New metropolises, such as Singapore and Seoul in Asia and post-war European cities, retained the generic looks applied to all new and old cities. But today, we have the unique opportunity to experience a new kind of city creation first-hand.

In the past, humanity had science but no computers or global networks to set, name and suggest new parameters. Those parameters can be challenged in the next 100 to 1,000 years to achieve a new future instead of just relying on an accumulated past. The new humanity will be reflected in new city designs.

The new humanity will define life as the number of years in full use of health, natural resources, wealth and contributions to the community. This new type of equation will replace our linear thinking with circular thinking. Societies with longer life spans, lower health risks and less environmental damage will be the GDP leaders, followed by other less developed societies. The following parameters for defining the new humanity are proposed, including all AI matrix possibilities. Some concepts described here are personal expectations for most developed societies in the future.


Societies will be able to focus their designs on how they preserve everything in and around them. Life expectancies for human beings will be in a range of 50 to 300 years. Life as mentioned above is not just about continuing to breathe or eat, it is about joy, health and contribution. That said, societies of this type will need to completely design their cities, farms, food, health systems and education. People who live more than 200 years will be considered wise, leaders and, on many occasions, visionaries on specific issues, especially in the behavior of the masses. The Earth will be reconsidered as an irreplaceable partner and nanotechnology will be implemented to avoid the generation of pollution or unnecessary chemical reactions. Food will be highly related to the number of years that each society has within its expectations.

Families and schools will be stronger because they will have a longer period in which to adjust and wiser people will surround their achievements.

Health systems will use fewer scalpels, surgeries will be much less invasive and we will have many more technologies focused on each condition. We will not need to replace our organs with metals. We will be a healthier society.


Each settlement will formally evaluate its resources and population projections to understand the life expectancy they can provide for, considering not one but 10 generations of people and the impact they will have on the Earth and society. As we can imagine, new technologies will emerge to recycle, eliminate waste and change eating habits to produce better physical development. The contribution of each settlement will be the number of healthy people that each of the future generations may have.


Food defines us today and will continue to do so in the future. Today, it is a dying GDP measure reflected in the fast-food experience that is also the result of rapid economic cycles, leading to high levels of obesity for some people and hunger for many.

Food is now defined around time as it will be in the future. Today, it revolves around working hours and daily schedules. In the future, this will change to revolve around life expectancy. Artificial Intelligence will find the components, processes and menus that increase our life expectancy, resulting in those resources being valued as life itself.


Every society in the future will need to start a new contract every 100 years with Earth, which will be represented by AI and will outline the goals, contributions and expenses required by the Earth to ensure the human race continues to evolve.

The resources are not only for humans, they belong to all species and we need to respect and consider them as a long-term relationship. The rules of the perfect balance are still unknown but that’s why AI can represent what we do not consider or respect now.

A clear example of this is the short time that humans have been isolated outside this ecosystem by COVID-19. Without daily human intervention, nature, mainly animals, have appeared in areas where they were not seen for a long time.

The pandemic has provided the opportunity to demonstrate nature’s strength to regenerate that must be taken into account soon if we are to have a prolific relationship.

A waste disposal program will be established for each society and it will be necessary to consider a maximum of 300 years to eliminate it.

Nanotechnologies will define interest rates, expenses, and their value. It will be one of the most valuable discoveries we have and we will invest a lot in it.

There is no future with pollution. We have the opportunity to clean up the last 500 years in the next 300. From that point, the wealthiest of future societies will be wealthier than any previous society and health risks will be minimized to achieve high life expectancy rates. The purity of technologies and materials will be the new measure of value and richness.

Photo by:   Oscar Poblete Galván

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