SENER Publishes Energy Sector Program 2020-2024
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SENER Publishes Energy Sector Program 2020-2024

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Cas Biekmann By Cas Biekmann | Journalist and Industry Analyst - Thu, 07/09/2020 - 08:57

Today, SENER published its 2020-2024 program for the energy sector. The document, which can be found in the official Gazette of the Federation (DOF), states the main goals to be achieved within this timeframe: “The rescue and promotion of the energy sector to achieve energy self-sufficiency, as a necessary condition for energy security and national sovereignty.”

The main tools to achieve this are the state productive companies. “The program has the particular objective of strengthening PEMEX and CFE as public companies with a social function, suppressing irrational and shabby policies.” Most plans and actions mentioned in the document are subject to this larger purpose, writes Energía a Debate.

The sector program builds upon the objectives of the National Development Plan 2019-2024. It is divided in six main objectives consisting of more specific strategies and actions:

1. Achieve and maintain sustainable energy self-sufficiency to satisfy the energy demand of the population with national energy production.

2. Strengthen the productive companies of the Mexican State as foundations of energy security and sovereignty and a lever for national development to trigger multiplying effects in the private sector.

3. Organize the scientific, technological and industrial dimensions necessary for Mexico's energy transition throughout the 21st century.

4. Raise the level of efficiency and sustainability in the production and use of energy within the national territory.

5. Ensure universal access for Mexican society to energy to it aids development.

6. Strengthen the national energy sector so it becomes the basis that drives development in the country, as a power capable of satisfying its basic needs with its own resources. This will happen via the state productive companies, NGOs and private companies.

Furthermore, the program foresees an important role for natural gas in Mexico and aims to revamp public policies on this front, as well as to “follow up on their implementation.” Storage will also be taken into account.

Energía a Debate notes that despite the program’s proposal to increase hydrocarbon production, it only dedicates a couple of points to the production of ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) and fuel oil. This is relevant to the energy sector, as the government aims to “take advantage of fuel oil to generate electricity with the added application of emission and sulfur-reduction technology,” the document states. SENER suggests that this is a viable option, depending on needs for supply, as it can be done at “reasonable prices” for PEMEX and CFE.

Photo by:   Pexels on Pixabay

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