LGBTQIA+ Community Struggles to Access Healthcare in Mexico
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LGBTQIA+ Community Struggles to Access Healthcare in Mexico

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Sofía Garduño By Sofía Garduño | Journalist & Industry Analyst - Mon, 06/05/2023 - 13:18

In Mexico, the LGBTQIA+ community encounters ongoing challenges when it comes to accessing healthcare services. Despite advances in societal acceptance and legal rights, disparities persist, creating obstacles that hinder their overall well-being and obstruct the realization of equal and inclusive healthcare.

The LGBTQIA+ community represents a vulnerable population that faces disparities, particularly in healthcare. Access to quality care and services remains a pressing concern, impacting their overall well-being.

In 2015, Mexico’s Supreme Court (SCJN) declared that denying or restricting access to rights based on sexual orientation is strictly prohibited. However, despite legal protections, the LGBTQIA+ community continues to face systemic hurdles when attempting to access healthcare services on an equal footing.

Mexico’s LGBTQIA+ population exceeds 5 million individuals. However, alarming statistics reveal the impact of healthcare disparities within this community. The 2021 National Survey on Sexual and Gender Diversity (ENDISEG) reported that 28.7%, about 1.4 million, of LGBTQIA+ individuals have contemplated or attempted suicide, with 19.1% citing health issues as a contributing factor. Moreover, persons with disabilities who belong to the LGBTQIA+ community are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide compared to their peers, according to the WHO.

Over 41% of individuals identifying as LGBTQIA+ in Mexico report experiencing the denial of their rights solely based on their sexual orientation. This discrimination deprives them of fundamental rights and perpetuates a system that undermines equality and inclusivity.

Studies have revealed that LGBTQIA+ individuals have been asked to hide their sexual orientation or gender identity to receive adequate care. This practice not only fosters a sense of shame and self-suppression but also reinforces the harmful stigmas surrounding their identities.

The LGBTQIA+ population faces considerable barriers in the prevention, timely diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, including HIV. Discrimination and a lack of access to appropriate healthcare services impede their ability to receive comprehensive care, exacerbating health disparities within the community.

Elderly LGBTQIA+ individuals encounter further difficulties when it comes to accessing healthcare, primarily because of factors such as isolation and scarcity of healthcare providers who are culturally sensitive, according to St. Catherine University. This marginalized group, estimated to represent about 10% of Mexico's elderly population, faces social neglect, insufficient medical care, inadequate access to medications and emotional deprivation, highlighting the unique challenges they face within the healthcare system, as reported by INAPAM.

A study by CEAV highlighted that healthcare as a right is not granted to members of the LGBTQIA+ community primarily due to socioeconomic conditions. The absence of employment prospects, substandard education, restricted healthcare access, insecurity, corruption, discrimination and violence all intersect, intensifying the level of marginalization and social exclusion experienced by the LGBTQIA+ community. These interconnected factors compound the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ individuals, further deepening their marginalization and limited participation in society, according to a CNDH report. 

Acknowledging the imperative for transformation, active measures are being taken to confront these inequalities. In 2022, over 93,000 healthcare professionals underwent training to promote the use of inclusive language, devoid of stigma and discrimination. This training initiative aims to ensure that LGBTQIA+ individuals receive healthcare services without prejudice, fostering an environment of inclusivity and enhancing their overall healthcare journey.

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