Mexican Hospital Consortium Joins UN Global Compact
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Mexican Hospital Consortium Joins UN Global Compact

Photo by:   Atikah Akhtar en Unsplash
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Miriam Bello By Miriam Bello | Senior Journalist and Industry Analyst - Wed, 09/21/2022 - 15:53

The Mexican Hospital Consortium (CMH) was accepted as a signatory of the UN Global Compact, announced Javier Potes, Director General, CMH, via LinkedIn. The UN Global Compact encourages participants to create a culture of integrity across their business or organization, from strategy to operations.

The UN Global Compact seeks to promote a sustainable and inclusive global economy, based on 10 universal principles framed in the areas of Human Rights, Labor Rights, Transparency and Anti-corruption and the Environment.

Potes explained that being an organization accepted as a signatory to the Global Compact implies a great responsibility, “which we accept with the firm commitment to work together with our Associated Hospitals, Strategic Allies, as well as suppliers and organizations related to our principles and values, helping to build a better world,” he shared.

The CMH’s work plan framed in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals proposed by the Global Compact will be announced shortly, according to Potes, and the Consortium will periodically present the actions and results obtained.

As participants, CMH will have to make the UN Global Compact’s principles an integral part of its business strategy, day-to-day operations and organizational culture, as well as incorporate its principles in decision-making processes at the highest levels. The responsibilities include an annual financial commitment to support the work of the UN Global Compact Office. “This will enable us to continue providing ongoing support to thousands of participants like you who have committed to transforming our world,” says the UN Global Compact.

Leaders of the industry such as Cristobal Thompson, Executive Director, AMIIF, have congratulated the achievement, saying it is a very positive and deserved recognition for the job of the Consortium.

CMH has made several alliances to improve its services and care provision. Earlier this year, CMH signed a collaboration agreement with the foundation TecSalud to offer quality services and strengthen medical education and health systems in the country. The collaboration is expected to lead to the launch of a Health System Management program to train managers in the sector that will be offered by the EGADE Business School.

CMH also recently announced two alliances to boost and strengthen digitalization. The first was its integration into the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), a US not-for-profit organization that aims to improve healthcare in quality, safety, cost-effectiveness and access through the best use of technology and management systems. The second is an alliance with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to design new health care models based on technological platforms.

Photo by:   Atikah Akhtar en Unsplash

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