Mexico Health Summit 2021 ECHO: A Glimpse of Opportunities
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Mexico Health Summit 2021 ECHO: A Glimpse of Opportunities

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Miriam Bello By Miriam Bello | Senior Journalist and Industry Analyst - Mon, 09/06/2021 - 15:17

What in 2020 were challenges have now become opportunities for the healthcare actors. After suffering from an unprecedented pandemic, the health industry has found ways to deliver innovation, boost R&D and remain in contact with patients and partners. In Mexico Health Summit 2021 ECHO experts and decision makers of the industry will address the current hurdles, challenges and opportunities they have found for the industry during and after COVID-19.

While the pandemic might not be over, innovation in vaccines, drugs, devices and approaches has transformed the needs of this industry and put in evidence the gaps on the pathway to health delivery.  And in this journey, technology has been the main ally for this industry, transforming connectivity, efficiency and innovation in all sectors of the healthcare industry.

Mexico’s view and prioritization of healthcare propelled diplomacy to further enhance the country’s health capabilities and to obtain a timely access to COVID-19 vaccines. These tasks, specially carried those out by the Deputy Ministry for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights has, to date, allowed the country to obtain 103.04 million vaccines.

The pandemic boosted partnerships among stakeholders of the industry, which saw unprecedented collaboration between private and public hospitals in Mexico through the Juntos por la Salud program to distribute the attention burden of COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 patents. These efforts aim to set the ground for a sustainable, open conversation among these two industry’s sectors to obtain higher-quality services.

The pandemic also shone a light over the financial hardships that Mexicans go through when facing a health situation. Despite this being a long-time recognized problem, the sector has not been able to overcome it completely but new solutions are now being considered by hospitals and insurers.

Many of these issues arise from a poor health prevention culture, which leads to high mortality rates for preventable diseases. The pandemic was a call to action that companies from different sectors on the industry are already responding to with novel approaches to foment and support patients on their journey to a healthier lifestyle.

As the sector moves past the challenges, technology offers all actors tools to ramp up their performance, interconnect their productive areas and reach patients and other stakeholders. As these developments become the new normal, the sector’s regulators must catch up to protect from the growing rate of cyberattacks targeting the industry.

While regulators catch up, the innovation sector is creating effective pathways to enhance access to their therapies as quickly as possible. The medical device sector is also exploring the implementation of a value-based model to foment further access to their technologies and change the system from corrective to preventive.

During this transition, stakeholders looking into the importance of social inclusion have recognized that they, as companies and providers, share responsibilities to foment gender equality and a fair, non-discriminatory space for their collaborators.

The healthcare industry has its goals and targets well identified: Move towards health prevention, foment technology integration, strengthen communication and collaboration among stakeholders and overall, create a sustainable, patient-centric ecosystem that foments innovation and is accessible for everyone.

Join Mexico Health Summit 2021 ECHO this Wednesday Sep. 8 and Thursday Sep. 9 to enter the conversation and listen to the insights of over 50 health experts on the most important subjects today.

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