A New Way Forward for the Pharmaceutical Industry
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A New Way Forward for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Photo by:   Al Eyad
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Jan Hogewoning By Jan Hogewoning | Journalist and Industry Analyst - Thu, 12/03/2020 - 16:48

In this week’s expert contributor segment, Sandra Sánchez-Oldenhage discusses how pharmaceutical organizations should innovate to adapt to a new normality. She highlights the shock impact that the pandemic has had on the healthcare system in at least three areas: utilization, adoption of new behaviors and pharma engagement. Her suggestion is innovating your commercial model based on a key concept: customer centricity. This, she believes will be the driver of success going forward.


Interested in more? Here are the week’s biggest stories in health:


  • MBN reported this Tuesday that the Pfizer vaccine is already under COFEPRIS’ revision. In a tweet from the Minister of Foreign Affairs Marcelo Ebrard, he promised that vaccination will start this December. He did not specify whether this meant Mexico or worldwide. Deputy Minister of Health Hugo López-Gatell stated that the vaccine would arrive in Mexico this month. This would be formalized through the expected signing of a contract between the government and Pfizer. This agreement will focus on logistical challenges. MBN also reported that the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit had indicated that mass distribution is not expected until March, when the country has access to a higher volume of vaccine doses.


  • In a press conference on Wednesday Dec. 2, the president stated that on Dec. 8, the Ministry of Health will unveil a vaccination plan. He stressed that the government was working ‘day and night’ to ensure a speedy authorization of the Pfizer vaccine.


  • In the same press conference, the president stated that face mask use is not essential because “everything is related to how a person takes care of themselves.” He pointed out there were other measures which include maintaining distance and taking good care of yourself. The statements came after the World Health Organization (WHO) called upon Mexico to strengthen its strategy for containing the pandemic.


  • Dec. 1 was World AIDS day. Mexico Business analyzed how the COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges to HIV/AIDS patients around the world. MBN also reflected on the situation in Mexico. The current government seems to not have it as a major priority in its agenda, despite the fact that it is estimated that two new HIV cases are registered in the country every hour.


  • This Monday, we published an interview with Karel Fucikovsky, Pharma Directorof Pierre Fabre Mexico. Pierre Fabre is the second-largest dermo-cosmetics laboratory in the world and the second-largest private French pharmaceutical group. Karel detailed what strategies of innovation the company is employing to explore non-traditional pharma markets.


  • Mexico is in the process of decriminalizing and regulating cannabis. MBN explored the potential medical and commercial benefits it can bring for the country. According to a report by New Frontier Data, Mexico has US$2 billion earning potential with the creation of 70,000 formal jobs. A lot of secondary legislation remains to be written, however.


  • Last Friday, we published an interview with one of Mexico top hospital groups: Christus Muguerza. Jesus Díaz, the groups’ Chief Information Officer, detailed how a health system like Christus Muguerza’s is taking steps to secure itself from a range of cyberthreats.




Photo by:   Al Eyad

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