US, Mexico Agree To Promote More Infrastructure Projects
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US, Mexico Agree To Promote More Infrastructure Projects

Photo by:   Scott Blake
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Paloma Duran By Paloma Duran | Journalist and Industry Analyst - Wed, 05/25/2022 - 12:32

In an effort to modernize border infrastructure and advance trade between both countries, the US and Mexico are developing 20 infrastructure projects. In addition, Mexico’s Ministry of Economy said that the new South-East Mexican infrastructure projects set a good precedent to create value under the USMCA dynamic. 

Ready for more? Here is your weeklyround up!

US and Mexico Announce Joint Border Infrastructure Investment

The governments of Mexico and the US are investing to modernize the border infrastructure through technology that could help stop the transfer of weapons, fentanyl and money by improving the customs system via 20 key infrastructure projects. 

Over US$30 billion for South-East Mexico Infrastructure Projects

Mexico’s Minister of Finance, Rogelio Ramírez de la O, informed that the southeast region of the country would receive over US$30 billion in investment for infrastructure projects, with which the government aims to incorporate the historically marginalized region into the thriving USMCA-backed business environment.

Grupo HYCSA to Develop Texcoco Ecological Park Facilities

Grupo HYCSA, a distinguished infrastructure developer in Mexico and Latin America, will participate in the construction of facilities for the Ecologic Project of Texcoco Lake, a park proposed by the federal government to exploit the remainder of what was once meant to become the Mexico City Texcoco Airport, locally known as the New Mexico City International Airport (NAICM).

MIA for Section 5 of Mayan Train Has Been Submitted

Three months after the beginning of construction works, the Environmental Impact Assessment (MIA) for section 5 of the Mayan Train was submitted to SEMARNAT. This came after a local court accepted a class suit that claims a millionaire compensation for the damages to the environment the project is causing.

Five Companies to Be Sued Over Mayan Train Works

A federal judge accepted a class action lawsuit presented by the National Organization for the State’s Responsibility (ONRE) against five companies that work at sections 4 and 5 of the Mayan Train. The organization estimates that the lawsuit could lead to a millions of dollars in compensation since the companies involved do not hold the required environmental permits to develop the project.

Photo by:   Scott Blake

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