PPG’s Sailadvance, Sigmaglide Spurring Maritime Decarbonization
Spotlight - Tue, 04/12/2022 - 15:26

PPG’s Sailadvance, Sigmaglide Spurring Maritime Decarbonization

In an effort to reduce carbon emissions for the maritime operations: Sailadvance and Sigmaglide bring fuel savings solutions to IMO regulations.
Christopher Reyes By Christopher Reyes | Content Marketing Coordinator - Tue, 04/12/2022 - 15:26
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To reduce carbon emissions and contribute to the decarbonization of maritime operations, PPG has embarked on a mission to provide solutions that prolong the life of coatings using anti-vector technologies. Sailadvance and Sigmaglide are among the technologies to this end.

Sailadvance contains a load of biocides that gradually releases patented oils that promote the smoothness of the surface and better prevents the adhesion of marine fauna to the hull of a boat. Sailadvance not only generates up to 5 percent fuel savings during navigation,  it also protects vessels  with an idle time tolerance  up to 30 days.

Sigmaglide is considered among the most advanced technologies because it is a 100 percent silicone technology that does not require biocides. It works as a repellent to the adhesion of the shell. It is easy to clean (if required) and because of its elastic properties, it regenerates naturally to some extent. Fuel savings of up to 10 percent are possible, plus it provides up to 60 days of protection for unattended boats.

"These are two of the sector’s most complete technologies, contributing to regulatory compliance at a relatively low cost compared to other solutions. Sailadvance and Sigmaglide are available not only in Latin America but across the world and are considered great allies in the fight for environmental justice,"  says Cristobal Gómez, Marine Key Account  manager Sr. México PPG Industries. 

In a race against time and considering that the International Maritime Organization (IMO) seeks the decarbonization of its operations, PPG aims to introduce these technologies and contribute to this process in a timely fashion. The regulatory process will start this year and to expedite this process, shipping companies and other actors in the maritime sector have already established short, medium and long-term plans to achieve their environmental goals.

For instance, the IMO has set a goal of reducing transportation-related emissions by 40 percent by 2030 and 70 percent by 2050, in comparison with the emissions recorded in 2008. Likewise, the reduction of other greenhouse gases in international maritime transfer is stipulated at 50 percent by 2050.



The indexes used to determine these measurements are EEXI (Energy Existing Ship Index) and CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator).

The EEXI is an index that is similar to its predecessor, the EEDI (Energy Efficient Design Index). It will apply to existing vessels that are not regulated by it. It will act on vessels over 400 GT that are under Annex VI Marpol, which limits the number of pollutants emitted through flue gases, such as sulfur oxides (Sox) and nitrogen oxides (Nox).

To define CO2 emissions standards in EEXI, practically the same methodology is used as in EEDI. Emissions are accounted for per ton of cargo and per mile, which are linked to the installed engine power, transportation capacity and speed of the vessel. Standard emissions take place as a function of fuel consumption, the capacity of the main engine, as well as auxiliary engines and a conversion factor between the fuel and the mass of CO2 produced.

In the case of the IIC, it is applicable to vessels over 5,000 GT, which must report and quantify the carbon emissions generated. This regulation provides shipping companies with a factor of CO2 emissions that must be reduced annually to ensure continuous improvement and compliance with the regulation.

The IIC should be implemented in the Energy Efficiency Management by the Ship Operator (SEEMP) Policy. The SEEMP is a specific, mandatory document for each vessel that details the plan to improve energy efficiency in an economically sustainable and viable way over time.

To comply with the two parameters, there are several measures that shipping companies and boat owners can take, such as:

  1. Use of clean fuels such as LNG (liquified natural gas) or hybrid fuels.
  2. Use of additional propulsion systems through the wind by means of sails.
  3. Use of batteries.
  4. Slow steaming.

These alternatives are costly since reconversions, change of equipment and redesign of vital parts of the boat are required.

The simplest of these options is linked to periodic maintenance work that any type of boat must perform to preserve its class: hull protection with anti-vegetative coatings.

Depending on the technology for the anti-vegetative coating, a smoother surface is applied to the hull of the boat, prompting a better displacement while decreasing the amount of additional weight that can be embedded in the hull during unattended periods. Doing this saves fuel and reduces environmental emissions.

However, while they are a great solution, there are problems regarding anti-genetics as they do not all work in the same way. Traditional anti-vectors tend to deteriorate faster than state-of-the-art technologies, gradually losing the smoothness of the surface and its protection. As a result, fuel consumption increases due to the additional weight of barnacles and attached chamfer.


Information by Cristobal Gómez, Marine Key Account  manager Sr. México PPG Industries

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