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Waste Management Key in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

By Adrián Sánchez - Lealtad Verde


Adrián Sánchez By Adrián Sánchez | CEO - Wed, 05/31/2023 - 13:00

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In 2015, 193 member countries of the United Nations (UN) adopted a new global policy: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, whose objective is to increase the development of the world and improve the quality of life of all people.

To this end, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were established with 169 goals that will be achieved through joint action that brings together different levels of government, organizations, companies, and society as a whole at the international, national, and local levels.

SDG 12 targets sustainable production and consumption, with a focus on global and local actions, such as achieving the efficient use of natural resources. This objective also includes care with solid waste and the reduction of polluting emissions.

Regarding solid waste, this SDG can be achieved by reducing waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse, both in consumption and production.

In addition, there is a need to rethink the product life cycle and redesign the production chain, separate and dispose of waste properly, take care of food waste and loss, including post-harvest loss, adopt technologies that recover waste, make the most of raw materials, and think about post-consumer and packaging, linking to the principle of extended producer responsibility.

One of the goals of this SDG for 2030 is to achieve environmentally sound management of chemical products and all waste, throughout their life cycle, in accordance with internationally agreed frameworks, and significantly reduce their spread by air, air, water and soil in order to minimize their negative impacts on human health and the environment.

Another objective for 2030 is to substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

It is increasingly evident that the adoption of production patterns, sustainable consumption and proper management of solid waste can significantly reduce the impacts on the environment and health.

Waste management, in the context of SDG 12 on responsible consumption and production, means guaranteeing healthy lives and a healthy planet in the future. Good waste management is relevant and supports the implementation of many other goals, including all the Sustainable Development Goals.

Post-Consumer, Waste Management System Is Key 

In recent years, the effects of climate change have plunged the world into serious environmental and social challenges that put the survival of the planet at risk. For this reason, environmental movements are increasingly present in the bid for the global adoption of sustainable development options that guarantee a viable and equitable future for present and future generations. The post-consumer model is one of the great strategies to promote sustainable development. This model is based on waste management, promoting its reduction and its use to create new products. The company Lealtad Verde has successfully implemented this model in Mexico, Uruguay, Peru and Spain by installing more than 300 biorecyclers for the correct collection and management of different types of waste, such as plastic bottles, aluminum, glass, cigarette butts, and cardboard.

Biorecyclers for Sustainable Development

Green Loyalty biorecyclers are an innovative alternative for waste management. These machines are located at key points within cities, receive plastic bottles and aluminum cans, identify them, classify them, calculate the HAP (environmental footprint of the product), and compact or crush them for later recycling. Through a mechanical process, the bottles are turned back into pellets that serve as raw material to turn them back into bottles or other packaging, thus fulfilling one of the main sustainability principles of Green Loyalty: "Do not use more fossil resources to produce what was already produced."

Compensation System as Strategy

Lealtad Verde has developed a sustainable business model that promotes the circular economy and community participation, through the implementation of programs to promote segmentation and waste management through its biorecycling machine project. This business model works through te Green Loyalty mobile application, which allows you to obtain, for each item entered in the biorecycling machine, discount coupons and benefits in different businesses in the area. This guarantees the operation of a deposit and return system, which allows promoting the separation and management of waste through their monetization.

Post-Consumer and Carbon Footprint Neutralization 

Adopting a post-consumer model is essential to promote sustainable development and guide companies toward neutralizing their carbon footprint. Companies like Green Loyalty are an example of how it is possible to transform the culture of consumption toward a more responsible and committed perspective that cares for the planet. Its change of business line, from the production and distribution of plastics to an industry that aims to neutralize the carbon footprint through waste management, demonstrates the importance of assuming a real and effective commitment to sustainable development and working in collaboration with the community to promote sustainable practices.

Photo by:   Adrián Sánchez

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