

Technology Can Democratize, Grow Real Estate Market
By María José Goytia - Fri, 07/08/2022 - 13:39
Through digital solutions, Houm is transforming real estate transactions, making them faster, more reliable and more accessible, says César Ruiz.
More Entrepreneurs
Why Is 2022 the Best Time To Invest in Real Estate?
By Nico Barawid - Fri, 11/12/2021 - 12:48
Real estate is one of the most attractive industries to invest in, writes Casai’s Nico Barawid. Here are some of the reasons why.
Rent Collection Uncertainty Puts Real Estate Sector at Risk
By Francisco Andragnes - Fri, 10/22/2021 - 15:09
Technology can help balance rental risks for both landlords and tenants, writes Francisco Andragnes.
In God We Trust, Everyone Else Please Bring Data
By Santiago Morales - Mon, 07/19/2021 - 09:08
A more intelligent use of data can help improve confidence in lease transactions, replacing outdated rules that limit options for today’s renters.
What Would Be The Impact of the Rental Reform?
By Pedro Alcalá - Tue, 07/14/2020 - 17:26
Recently discussed reforms to Mexico’s property laws could have wide-ranging impacts on the real estate market.
Focus on Heavy Machinery Investment
By - Mon, 10/21/2013 - 13:52
Mining operations incur significant startup costs, and the investments that must be made in heavy machinery are particularly large