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Understand, Improve Staff Emotions for a Productive Work Future

By Francisco Martínez Domene - Adecco


By Francisco Martínez | CEO - Thu, 07/07/2022 - 11:00

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In 2019, the Official Mexican Standard (NOM) 035 came into force, which requires companies to address psychosocial risks that may arise in workspaces, such as work stress or sleep imbalance. However, according to the study, "The Chief People Officers of the future," released recently by The Adecco Group, only 35.7 percent of companies measure the feelings of their employees.

In other words, after almost three years of NOM 035 being implemented and having gone through a health pandemic that strongly shook social and professional life, not only in Mexico but in all the countries on the planet, we are still a long way from committing ourselves as organizations to identifying the emotions of our associates and, based on this, developing strategies that allow people to have a healthy working future and thus be productive for both parties.

Without any doubt, the pandemic showed the world how important the emotions of staff are at work, and this was seen with the increase in productivity and personal maturity that Mexicans acquired when working at home, improving their ability to self-manage.

Being aware of how important emotional intelligence is for work and how little companies do to support staff in this aspect, it seems to me that we urgently need innovative solutions that allow companies to deal with staff feelings and improve them.

This trend has put personnel management at the center of attention and human resources professionals have become more aware of the mental health of staff and their emotional and psychological well-being.

The chief people officers or human resources directors of the future must recognize the important influence that the emotions of the staff are generating in the workplace. In this sense, the study, mentioned above, also shows that 68.9 percent of human resources executives consider that the increase in productivity and performance are directly linked to the perception that the staff has about all those actions that the organization carries out to improve the way they feel at work.

In Mexico, companies that measure feelings do so with the aim of knowing what the emotions of their employees are and, based on this, reacting with pertinent actions that focus on personal and psychological improvement so that they have better performance and not only ensure the productivity of the company but also support and encourage the personal growth of employees.

The future of work, not only in Mexico but globally, changed after the pandemic; however, we had focused above all on the digitalization of processes to meet the needs of our clients, leaving aside the most important element that companies have, which is human capital.

Now is the time for us to turn to the human side of our organizations to ensure that the people who work in our companies are in excellent physical and emotional condition. It is important that as CEOs we empower our human resources teams, so that they become not only specialists in selection or management of teams but as emotional consultants to our own people, so that, together, we face the vicissitudes and challenges that the professional future holds for us.


Francisco Martínez Domene

Francisco Martínez Domene es ejecutivo con más de 26 años de experiencia en la industria del staffing. Inició su carrera en Adecco España donde tuvo diferentes cargos, siendo el último Director Regional de Operaciones durante 15 años, y en el 2015 se unió a la región de Latinoamérica en donde fue Director General en Chile, Argentina y Uruguay. 

Actualmente es CEO The Adecco Group México, desde septiembre del 2019, y ha sido nombrado durante cuatro años consecutivos en la lista de los 25 líderes más influyentes de la subcontratación en Latinoamérica por la prestigiosa consultora norteamericana Staffing Industry Analyst. Actualmente forma parte del Consejo Directivo de la Cámara Suizo-Mexicana de Comercio e Industria, de la Cámara Española de Comercio en México y del Club Catalán de Negocios. Es el Secretario del Consejo de la Asociación Mexicana de Empresas de Capital Humano (AMECH) para el bienio 2021 – 2022. 

Photo by:   Francisco Martínez Domene

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