The Week in Talent: US Trade Unions Object USMCA
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The Week in Talent: US Trade Unions Object USMCA

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Cas Biekmann By Cas Biekmann | Journalist and Industry Analyst - Fri, 11/22/2019 - 15:32

USMCA hangs in the balance as US trade unions and Nancy Pelosi fight for better labor provisions. The Mexican minimum wage might see an increase in 2020, as the president is backed by COPARMEX and CONASAMI. In other news, discrimination in Mexico’s labor market is examined and the labor reform is discussed.

Ready to learn more? We have scrunched your news in the weekly roundup!


Trade Unions Against USMCA

Unions attempt to pressure US President Donald Trump to oppose the USMCA should labor provisions not improve. While Trump and his administration want to move ahead with the deal, trade unions found support in Democrats, especially speaker Nancy Pelosi.


COPARMEX Supports Minimum Wage Increase for 2020

COPARMEX President Gustavo de Hoyos agrees with López Obrador that salaries are still lagging. He argues that CONASAMI’s proposed increase to between MX$117 and MX$128 remains a viable option.


Not Enough Minority Representation Among CEOs

Labor opportunities for minority groups are few. Several studies from Oxfam, Colmex and the National Discrimination Institute (ENADIS) back up this affirmation. President López Obrador mentioned he would like to give pensions earlier to indigenous people. This is considered an unfair move toward the rest of the population who view it as a discriminatory practice. Oxfam argues that there is a historical account of injustice to be settled with indigenous people and those of African descent.


Government Sets Aside MX$1.4 Billion For Labor Reform

Resources will be used for the creation of the Federal Center for Conciliation and Labor Registration, as well as for labor courts and bureaus for dispute conciliation in 10 states.


IMMS: 30 Percent of Young Apprentices to Be Formally Employed in 2020

IMSS estimated that a large number of interns part of the Youth Constructing the Future (JCF) will be employed with a formal contract soon. The project’s goal is to help young people in their professional trajectory by providing opportunities to study or find formal paid work.


Women as Foundation for Growth at PepsiCo

The company is investing US$100 million at a global level, aiming to benefit 12.5 million women by making them part of the corporate agenda.


Aguascalientes Has the Best Working Environment

The state reached first place in El Economista’s Index for quality and competition among states. Other states where workers can consider themselves lucky include Baja California, Nuevo Leon, Jalisco, Queretaro and Chihuahua. The capital city ranks in the bottom half, while Tlaxcala, Tabasco and Chiapas placed lowest.

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