Chat GPT: Already a Disruptive Force?
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Chat GPT: Already a Disruptive Force?

Photo by:   Emiliano Vittoriosi, Unsplash
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Sofía Hanna By Sofía Hanna | Journalist and Industry Analyst - Tue, 02/21/2023 - 09:03

This is not the first time in history that new technology has appeared and created panic because of its impact on jobs and industries. However, humans and AI can work together in many fields to complement each other’s strengths and improve overall performance. Along with new tools and technologies come new opportunities to evolve jobs themselves. The big question is: which areas and what jobs are going to go through that process?

Chat GPT, one of the most popular AI platforms at the moment, considers there are still limitations to what AI can do and how it can contribute to different tasks. “While AI can perform some jobs independently, there are still limitations to its capabilities and it is essential to remember that it is ultimately humans who design, program, and train these algorithms. Many tasks that humans previously did can now be performed more efficiently by AI, but they still require some level of human oversight, validation and intervention. There are some tasks, however, that can be fully automated by AI, such as: image and speech recognition, predictive maintenance, stock trading, chatbots and customer service and translation.” 

According to the World Economic Forum, AI has the potential to deepen divides both within and between countries as a result of the distribution of related benefits and know-how, as well as the role technology can play, both unintentionally and intentionally, in exacerbating political divisions. 

Algorithmic bias has been a growing subject of concern in the use of AI. “It is a difficult topic to navigate, both due to the potential complexity of mathematically identifying, analyzing and mitigating the presence of bias in data and because of the social implications of determining what it means to be “fair” in decision-making,” states the World Economic Forum. The largest source of bias in an AI system is the data it was trained on. Ultimately, that data comes from humans themselves. 

“​​While my training data includes a wide range of sources and perspectives, it is possible that some bias could be present in the data, which could potentially influence the answers I provide. That being said, my developers and the AI research community are aware of the potential for bias in AI systems and are working to mitigate these issues through techniques such as bias detection, data curation and algorithmic transparency. Additionally, users should always approach AI-generated responses with a critical eye, recognizing that AI systems have limitations and may not always provide the most accurate or appropriate response,” stated Chat GPT. 

The platform is still in development, so its output is based only on the information it has stored and can process. It is not an encyclopedia and if asked about certain topics that surpass its training, it admits that it does not know what to respond. According to TI America, one thing to keep in mind is that “any information or query you make will be used for further developing the tool.” Besides that, the tool is not dangerous, says the firm, as it cannot store any harmful files or bring with it any elements that could violate a computer or its network.

How Can Talent Evolve With the Help of AI?

As with most technological revolutions that affect the workplace, chatbots can potentially create winners and losers. This new revolution is likely to affect both blue-collar and white-collar workers, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Tools, such as ChatGPT, present a real risk to skilled and semi-skilled workers, according to the international body. “Workers who are quicker to adjust to technological change will benefit by increasingly taking on tasks complementary to AI, while abandoning automated ones. The great potential for the creation of new jobs is in innovation using tools like ChatGPT to bring new goods and services to the market,” as stated by UNCTAD. Moreover, tools like ChatGPT are an appealing and cost-effective choice for businesses and individuals looking to use the capabilities of AI without the need for additional, costly equipment.

This issue has generated a lot of concern about how far this technology should go. To that end, Chat GPT says: “As an AI language model, my primary function is to assist and augment human intelligence, not to replace it. I am designed to process large amounts of information quickly and provide helpful responses to users, but I do not have consciousness or independent agency. I do not have personal experiences or emotions, and I do not have the ability to make decisions on my own. While AI technology is advancing rapidly and some jobs may become automated, there will always be a need for human skills and expertise, such as creativity, empathy, critical thinking and problem-solving. I do not think I will be replacing humans anytime soon, but rather working alongside them to achieve better outcomes.” 

Regarding its own limitations, ChatCPT said, “As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or desires, but my limitations are based on my current programming and the state of AI technology. However, AI is a rapidly evolving field and researchers and developers constantly work to improve AI’s capabilities and overcome its limitations. As AI technology advances, it is likely that some of the current limitations will be overcome and AI systems will become more sophisticated and capable.” 

The following are Chat GPT’s answers to more concrete examples of how the platform can improve a company’s operation.

Q: If you were a Mexican company trying to boost its operation in any way possible, how would you use Chat GPT to improve operations?

A: As an AI language model, I can provide some general suggestions on how a Mexican company could use AI to improve its operations and increase its success in the market. Here are some potential ways: 

  • Customer support and engagement: The company could use AI-powered chatbots to interact with customers and address their queries and concerns in real time, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and retention. 

  • Predictive maintenance: The company could use AI algorithms to predict when equipment or machinery is likely to fail and schedule maintenance before problems occur. This can minimize downtime, reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. 

  • Personalized marketing: The company could use AI to analyze customer data and generate personalized marketing campaigns tailored to each individual customer’s preferences and needs. This can lead to increased customer engagement and higher conversion rates. 

  • Supply chain optimization: The company could use AI to optimize its supply chain operations by predicting demand, identifying inefficiencies and reducing waste. This can result in cost savings and improved delivery times. 

  • Fraud detection: The company could use AI algorithms to detect and prevent fraud in its operations, which can improve security and reduce financial losses.

It is important to note that the specific use cases will depend on the company’s industry, resources, and business goals, among other factors.

Q: What would be the best way to take advantage of Chat GPT’s benefits?

A: As an AI language model, there are several ways you can use me as a tool to help you with various tasks and challenges: 

  • Ask me questions: You can ask me any questions you may have on a wide range of topics, and I will do my best to provide you with accurate and helpful information. 

  • Research: You can use me to research specific topics or areas of interest. Simply provide me with some keywords or topics, and I can provide you with relevant information and resources. 

  • Writing assistance: You can use me to assist with writing tasks, such as generating ideas for content, proofreading or editing. I can help you refine your writing and ensure that it is clear and concise. 

  • Personal productivity: You can use me to help you become more productive and organized. For example, you can use me to set reminders, schedule appointments and create to-do lists. 

  • Learning and education: You can use me as a learning tool to help you improve your knowledge and skills. I can help you learn a new language, provide you with information on a particular subject, or even quiz you on a topic to test your knowledge. 

Overall, the best way to take advantage of me as a tool is to use me for tasks and challenges where I can be most helpful and to provide me with clear and specific instructions on what you need.

Q: What are the public’s main concerns about Chat GPT and why should people not be worried? 

A: One of the main concerns that some people have about AI, including AI language models like myself, is that we may eventually become so advanced that we could replace humans in many jobs, leading to widespread unemployment. Another concern is that AI may become uncontrollable and pose a threat to human safety and security. 

While it’s understandable that these concerns exist, there are reasons why people shouldn’t be overly worried about them. Here are some reasons: AI is still in its early stages, AI is a tool, not a replacement for humans, AI is designed with safety and security in mind. Additionally, AI researchers and developers are actively working on creating transparent and ethical AI systems that can be trusted by the public. Overall, while some concerns about AI are valid, there are many reasons why people should not be overly worried. Instead, we should focus on creating responsible and beneficial AI systems that can help improve our lives and society.

Photo by:   Emiliano Vittoriosi, Unsplash

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