Mexico Business - Environmental Policy

Mexico Business - Environmental Policy

As a business media company, communication agency and B2B conference organizer, we recognize the critical role that we play in promoting sustainable practices and reducing our environmental impact. We are committed to being an environmentally responsible company and reducing our carbon footprint.

Our environmental policy is based on three key principles: reduce, reuse, and recycle. We believe that by adopting sustainable practices and using resources more efficiently, we can minimize our environmental impact and promote a more sustainable future.

Energy Efficiency:

We have implemented energy-efficient technologies in our LEED Platinum building to reduce our energy consumption. We use LED lighting, motion sensors, and programmable thermostats to minimize our energy usage. We also encourage our employees to switch off lights and electronic devices when they are not in use.

Paperless First Policy:

We have adopted a paperless first policy, which means that we prioritize digital communication and documentation over paper-based communication. We use electronic communication tools, such as email and instant messaging, to reduce our paper consumption. When printing is necessary, we use double-sided printing and recycled paper.

Recycling Program:

We have implemented a plastic recycling program to minimize the amount of plastic waste we generate. We encourage our employees to recycle all plastic materials, including water bottles, plastic bags, and food containers. We have designated recycling bins throughout our office and provide education to our employees on proper recycling practices.

Minimization of Non-Recyclable Materials:

We minimize the use of non-recyclable materials by using reusable cups, plates, and cutlery in our office kitchen. We also source products that are made from recycled materials, such as paper and packaging materials. Additionally, we avoid the use of single-use plastics, such as straws and stirrers, and opt for eco-friendly alternatives.


We encourage our employees to use public transportation, carpooling, or biking to reduce our carbon footprint. We provide bike racks and shower facilities to encourage biking to work, and we offer incentives for employees who use public transportation or carpool.

B2B Conference Organization:

We organize B2B conferences, and we are committed to making these events environmentally sustainable. We use digital communication tools to reduce the need for printed materials and provide recycling bins at the event venue. We also encourage our attendees to use public transportation or carpool to the event, and we provide information on sustainable transportation options.

Supplier Selection:

We select suppliers and vendors that share our commitment to sustainability. We prioritize suppliers that use environmentally sustainable practices, such as reducing their carbon footprint, using renewable energy, and reducing their waste generation. We also select suppliers that provide products made from recycled materials and eco-friendly alternatives.

Environmental Impact Assessment:

We conduct an environmental impact assessment to identify areas where we can improve our sustainability practices. We regularly monitor our energy consumption, waste generation, and greenhouse gas emissions to identify areas where we can reduce our environmental impact.


We are committed to being an environmentally responsible company and reducing our environmental impact. Our environmental policy is based on three key principles: reduce, reuse, and recycle. We have implemented energy-efficient technologies, adopted a paperless first policy, implemented a plastic recycling program, minimized the use of non-recyclable materials, encouraged sustainable transportation options, organized environmentally sustainable B2B conferences, selected suppliers that share our commitment to sustainability, and conduct regular environmental impact assessments. By adopting sustainable practices, we aim to minimize our environmental impact and promote a more sustainable future.