Vehicle Theft Surges in Chiapas: AMIS
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Vehicle Theft Surges in Chiapas: AMIS

Photo by:   Two Souls, Unsplash
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Óscar Goytia By Óscar Goytia | Journalist & Industry Analyst - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 13:43

In recent months, Chiapas has emerged as the epicenter of vehicle theft in Mexico, according to data from the Mexican Association of Insurance Institutions (AMIS). Over the past two years, 17,409 insured vehicles have been stolen across the nation, averaging 25 units per day. This trend has reached critical levels in Chiapas, surpassing the national average.

Official reports indicate that armed groups, equipped with firearms and operating multiple vehicles, are targeting unsuspecting drivers along various stretches of Chiapas' highways. These criminals operate with impunity, instilling fear and disrupting the lives of residents and travelers alike.

AMIS statistics reveal that the majority of heavy vehicles in Mexico, 71% to be precise, are stolen through violent means. Chiapas leads this statistic with 81%, followed closely by other states grappling with similar challenges, including Sinaloa, Tlaxcala, Morelos, Puebla, Sonora, Yucatan, and Veracruz.

Despite efforts to combat vehicle theft, the numbers continue to rise, with a 46% increase recorded over the past two years. Particularly concerning is the uptick in violent incidents, with a 48% rise observed since the beginning of the current administration.

The repercussions of this epidemic extend beyond mere property loss. Entire communities in regions like Frailesca find themselves uprooted, as families flee in fear of escalating violence and territorial disputes between rival cartels.

Photo by:   Two Souls, Unsplash

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