Data Centers: A Tool for Real Estate Developers
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Data Centers: A Tool for Real Estate Developers

Photo by:   ananitit
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Lorenzo Núñez By Lorenzo Núñez | Livestream Producer - Wed, 09/29/2021 - 17:09

Real Estate developers will be able to rely more on digital tools such as big data centers in order to determine their projects’ impact or whether or not  projects should require a different approach in their design.

Today, as we move closer to a post-pandemic era, there is an enormous amount of information online due to the advancements in digitalization. In addition, there is a boom in cloud-dependent services, such as e-commerce, video calls, teleworking and streaming entertainment services, among others.

Even real estate developers and construction companies are increasing their digitization. Gustavo Marcos, Partner at Grupo DAGS told MBN in an interview that the company has seen a huge boost thanks to social media exposure. “I believe that one of the most important and relevant pillars of the company is social media. It is a truly innovative strategy in the construction industry that requires a lot of planning and it is quite challenging to maintain. Every single company in the industry should have their own social media platform” he commented.

“Incorporating technology into the sales process is no longer just an option. Whatever the sector, it is something that companies have to do. Today, we not only have to approach customers in the traditional way but also digitally” said Samantha Macías, General Manager of Yellow Block in an interview with MBN.

One of the biggest tools that developers have nowadays is access to big data centers. These data centers, are physical infrastructures that have the objective of processing and storing this information so that it can be accessible, allowing real estate developers to better process the information they receive. In a digitized economy, where companies operate internationally and need to share information quickly, directly and securely, data centers are a complex investment alternative due to asset requirements and capital needs.

"Data centers solve the growing need for immediate responses that society and companies are requiring today and whose demand will only increase with new technologies such as 5G. Moreover, they are among the assets of greatest interest to investors due to the increase in digital traffic in recent months, which augurs a new wave of expansion in the sector, creating new destinations for the sector" said Rodrigo Folgueras, Director CBRE Mexico Advisory & Transaction Services.

Photo by:   ananitit

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