Government Takes Action as COVID-19 Looms
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Government Takes Action as COVID-19 Looms

Photo by:   Abdulhakeem Samae on Pixabay
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Jan Hogewoning By Jan Hogewoning | Journalist and Industry Analyst - Fri, 03/27/2020 - 14:17

The government has announced its intention to support middle-sized corn farmers with price guarantees as the COVID-19 situation could impact their operations and overall sales. This is a welcome measure as corn farmers have been struggling to compete with US bulk imports of corn for years.

COVID-19-related panic purchases led to egg prices doubling or even tripling in certain parts of the country. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (SADER) is calling on people not to hoard basic food products, as strategic reserves are guaranteed for at least 100 days and agricultural supply chains remain running.

Ready for more? Here is the week’s most important news!




  • SADER has announced guaranteed price support for medium-scale maize producers. President López Obrador, in his morning brief on Wednesday, stated that producers would receive help to reach a price of US$177 per ton of white corn. The measure is expected to benefit around 25,000 medium-sized producers of up to 50ha and 600 tons of production each, primarily in the states of Sinaloa, Southern Sonora and Tamaulipas.



  • Egg prices have jumped from MX$40 (US$1.71) to MX$50 (US$2.13) per kilogram to MX$90 (US$3.84) in some areas of the country due to speculation and panic purchases. To prevent people from hoarding food, the National Alliance of Small Merchants (ANPEC) has asked the federal government, the Ministry of the Economy and the Federal Consumer Prosecutor (PROFECO) to pay special attention to the price of eggs.


  • The President of the Executive Commission of the Social Movement for the Earth (MST), Francisco Chew Plascencia, warned this week that food production and employment could suffer as the COVID-19 situations worsens. This would be excarcebated due to the cancellation of Seguro Popular and the lack of access to healthcare. Given that rural areas lack basic services such as water drainage and internet, the situation could be very grave if the pandemic were to reach rural areas. The leader pointed to a heavy potential impact on grain production in the spring-summer cycle between March 1 and September 30. Pointing to cuts in spending on agriculture, the leader stated that helping only 60-year-olds and those older with more benefits will not solve the problem. Recently, the president announced his intention to advance special benefits for this population segment, which is the most vulnerable group in the face of COVID-19.


SADER Programs



Science & Technology

  • Researchers from the Master’s of Science in Sustainable Agri-food Innovation at Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agricolas and the Food and Biotechnology area of ​​Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tierra Blanca have developed biodegradable coatings and films that do not contaminate and have proven to be effective in the conservation of fruits and vegetables. This development could help reduce postharvest food loss.


National Production Figures



Photo by:   Abdulhakeem Samae on Pixabay

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