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Perfect Consumption not Production is Goal With Cannabis

Hugo Álvarez - Canncura
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Perfect Consumption not Production is Goal With Cannabis

Alfredo Álvarez - Canncura
Alfredo Álvarez, Founder, Canncura


Sofía Garduño By Sofía Garduño | Journalist & Industry Analyst - Mon, 10/03/2022 - 09:41

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Q: How is Canncura promoting a culture of educated and responsible cannabis consumption in Mexico?

HA: Canncura aims to make information about the current legal status of cannabis use in Mexico easy to digest. In an educated and responsible way, we want to help cannabis consumption become as commonplace as wine consumption. Alcohol consumption can result in pleasant or unpleasant experiences depending on each person. Something similar happens with cannabis but it is important that people know this and make informed decisions.

Canncura focuses on supplying information about medicinal and recreational cannabis consumption. We have seven years of experience and, from the start, we promoted the polite and responsible consumption of cannabis. For example, consumers of medicinal cannabis should understand the contents of the plant, the different ways to consume it, its effects and the amount they can consume. When using medicinal cannabis, doctors make a recommendation for a specific amount, evaluate the patient’s response and make small dose adjustments to obtain the desired effect. It is the same with recreational use, only with a recreational objective.

Q: Does the company offer cannabis consumables or only experiences?

HA: We offer consumables through a pharmacy that allows us to create prescription products. If products have a high THC content, the law labels them as “controlled.” The recreational use of THC is not currently legal but special permits are granted for its cultivation, consumption and transportation. We created a cannabis club where those who have one of those permits can legally use cannabis. In those facilities, they will cultivate different crops to offer different versions of these products.

AA: The consumer center does not sell cannabis products, it only accompanies our members and those who wish to consume cannabis on our premises. The general public can enter a part of the club, which is a safe space for consumers, but the other facilities are only accessible to those who are part of our Civil Association. These club members also do not sell cannabis.

We enforce the rights of those who have permits. There is no sale or supply.

Q: How are you reaching out to users and medical professionals regarding the use of cannabis?

HA: We train health professionals in the subject so they are able to provide an informed recommendation. Many doctors do not receive training on the intricacies of the endocannabinoid system, so training on the uses and potential risks is important. Doctors are fundamental for our medical use  business model as they can advertise it to consumers or potential patients.

Through our social networks, Canncura seeks to conduct scientific studies that are easy to digest and readily available to the public, helping them understand that cannabis consumption is not limited to health issues. At Canncura, we are generating solutions based on our internal market. Mexico has a large export capacity and a strong domestic market, with the potential to turn the plant into a commodity.

Q: What role does Canncura want to play in the national cannabis market, once a clear regulation is settled?

AA: Once the market is more accepting of cannabis consumption and this product becomes a commodity similar to alcohol, we will target the premium market, looking for that demanding consumer who seeks a quiet, comfortable space and wants new experiences.

HA: We do not want to produce many hectares of cannabis; we want to perfect its consumption and have a direct relationship with both the medicinal and recreational consumer. Cannabis is used by a segment of the population that has the greatest purchasing power and therefore seeks much more sophisticated experiences in its consumption of cannabis. This is our target.

Q: Is Canncura working on regulatory initiatives for cannabis use and commercialization in Mexico?

AA: We were invited directly by some senators, among them the President of the Senate, to discuss regulation. Some legislators are open to regularizing the use of cannabis. Canncura is not part of any association because it is a relatively new company but we have good relationships with the existing associations.


Canncura is a startup in the cannabis industry. It educates consumers on regulation, uses and commercialization of cannabis-derived products.

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