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Unveiling the Silent Barrier in Mexico's Healthcare Revolution

By Gabriel Garza - DocTour
Co-Founder and Managing Director


Gabriel Garza By Gabriel Garza | Co-Founder and Managing Director - Thu, 03/21/2024 - 12:00

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In the evolving landscape of the health sector, innovation stands as the driving force behind advancements in medical technology, patient care, and overall industry growth. The intersection of regulatory complexities and financial challenges creates a multifaceted scenario, often compelling innovators to reconsider their foray into the market even before they embark on their entrepreneurial journey. But unknown to many new players in Mexico's health sector, the path to bring forth groundbreaking innovations and succeed in the market is often hindered by another looming and formidable barrier: patient literacy. In this article, we delve into the profound impact that silent market entry barriers like patient literacy can have on entrepreneurs, exploring the different challenges to overcome when educating health industry customers.

Patient literacy refers to an individual's ability to access, understand and use health information effectively to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. For this, patients need to develop reading, comprehension and communication skills, as well as basic health knowledge. They need to have the ability to read and understand written health information, such as medical brochures, prescriptions, or online resources, to have a basic understanding of health concepts, disease processes, and treatment options. The last obstacle they need to overcome as patients is their own participation in their health journey; they need to actively participate by asking questions, expressing their health concerns, and participating in informed discussions with their healthcare providers. 

Impact on Market Entry

Low levels of patient literacy pose a significant hurdle for entrepreneurs introducing innovative health solutions. The effectiveness of these innovations hinges on patients' ability to comprehend and engage with the information provided. Complicated medical jargon, intricate usage instructions, and a lack of accessible educational materials can impede the adoption of innovative healthcare solutions.

In Mexico, where diverse socioeconomic factors contribute to variations in education and access to information, disparities in health literacy levels become pronounced. For example, a significant portion of the population struggles with basic literacy, making it difficult to understand complex medical information and navigate digital health platforms effectively. For example, this situation, in turn, increases the risk of misinformation and misuse of digital health tools and solutions. 

What Can We Do?

Facing these complex scenarios full of externalities, and all the local obstacles and challenges to overcome, health innovators and entrepreneurs must adapt and implement new strategies, taking creative decisions and actions toward solving what their clients need first in order to correctly consume their product afterward. Here, we will take into account the technology, communication and human components as the starting point of a much broader spectrum of strategies and action to be implemented to set the new paths in the newly digitalized health sector.

It is important to emphasize that all initiatives need to take into account ethical frameworks and regulations governing data privacy, security, and responsible marketing practices within the digital health ecosystem in Mexico. This will not only ensure patient literacy but also patient safety, which is the main driver in the healthcare industry.

Communication Challenges: Bridging the Gap

Effective communication is, and will always be, a vital task for overcoming patient literacy barriers. Entrepreneurs must craft communication strategies that transcend language barriers and cater to varying levels of health literacy. Communication strategies are of the utmost importance to ensure that patients can fully comprehend the benefits of the innovation being introduced and how to implement them in their daily life. To obtain the best results it is always advisable to simplify the information and the education process for patients. Clear, concise, and culturally sensitive educational materials are crucial to improve patient understanding of health information and their digital health journey. 

Innovators can resort to a variety of actions like simplifying complex medical language into simple every-day language, incorporating visuals and infographics to make the information easier to understand, or offering educational resources, in-app tutorials and FAQs. The objective here is to empower patients, regardless of their literacy levels, to actively participate in their health and well-being journey. For Mexico, all of these mean that, in order to overcome the cultural challenge, communication and educational materials produced should not only be in Spanish but sometimes also offer multilingual support and information in various Indigenous languages spoken in Mexico as a way to ensure inclusivity and reach a wider population. 

Leveraging Community Outreach, Collaboration 

The human side of the equation is as important as any other, and for health solutions, this is no exception. Entrepreneurs can, and need to, proactively engage with healthcare providers, community leaders and NGOs to promote digital literacy and bridge the gap between patients and digital health solutions. Here, healthcare providers play a vital role in supporting patient literacy by explaining complex medical information in layman's terms, promoting digital health literacy resources, and ensuring informed decision-making. 

Collaborative initiatives with clinics, hospitals, and community health organizations can facilitate the development of educational campaigns and materials that resonate with diverse patient demographics. For example, when entrepreneurs contribute to  personalized educational efforts regarding the specific needs of diverse communities, they can build trust and foster a supportive environment that will favor the adoption of their innovations.

Technology as an Enabler

Innovations that harness technology can play a pivotal role in addressing patient literacy challenges. Entrepreneurs should always try to invest in user-friendly interfaces, mobile applications with intuitive features, and interactive educational tools that can empower patients to actively participate in their health journey, irrespective of literacy levels. For example, by adding features like personalized learning modules, interactive quizzes and other modules and tools in their innovations, they can not only improve comprehension of health information but also increase engagement. Another option to consider, in order to break down literacy barriers and offer information in a more accessible format, is to integrate voice assistants and text-to-speech functionalities in medical apps. 

Additionally, leveraging the power of small, incremental innovations can further drive technology adoption and engagement. For instance, individuals who have already benefited from telemedicine consultations may be more receptive to adopting additional digital tools like medication management apps or wearable health trackers.  This progressive approach, introducing new functionalities gradually, builds upon existing comfort levels with technology, promoting sustained engagement in the long run.

Why All This Effort? 

Because, simply put, without literacy there is no business or market to implement any innovation or solutions. Ultimately, the success of healthcare innovations in Mexico hinges on the ability of entrepreneurs to navigate and overcome the challenges of patient literacy. As we've explored in this article, low levels of patient literacy can significantly impede the adoption of innovative health solutions, ultimately affecting market entry and industry growth.

However, amid these challenges lie opportunities for creative adaptation and strategic action. Each innovator’s target audience has a different level of literacy and will require different features, and tools, and it’s the job of entrepreneurs’ to find the ones that best suit the needs of their businesses. By embracing these strategies and upholding ethical standards, entrepreneurs can pave the way for a more accessible and impactful healthcare sector in Mexico.

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