Private Sector Unveils Third Infrastructure Package
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Private Sector Unveils Third Infrastructure Package

Photo by:   Anamul Rezwan
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Paloma Duran By Paloma Duran | Journalist and Industry Analyst - Wed, 04/13/2022 - 13:52

In collaboration with the federal government, the private sector launches a third infrastructure package to boost economic recovery. Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said that repair works at Metro Line 12, which collapsed in May 2021, will be ready by the end of 2022. In addition, President López Obrador inaugurated works at the Mayan Train's sections 6 and 7 amid protests surrounding the project’s purported environmental damage.

Ready for more? Here is the weekly roundup!


Private Sector Announces Third Infrastructure Package

In an effort to speed up Mexico’s economic recovery and social well-being, the private sector and the federal government have prepared a third infrastructure package that seeks to boost the construction sector, mainly in the southeastern region of the country. To comply with electoral regulation, the official announcement has been postponed until mid-April.


Line 12 Scheduled for 2022: Claudia Sheinbaum

In a press conference, Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said that repair works at Metro Line 12, which collapsed in May 2021, will be ready by the end of 2022. Guillermo Calderón, Metro System Director, highlighted that over 4.5 of the 11.9km of existing rails will be replaced in the underground segment between the Atlalilco and Parque de Los Venados stations.


Mayan Train Sections 6 and 7 Begin Construction

President López Obrador inaugurated the construction of the Tulum and Palenque airports, as well as sections 6 and 7 of the Mayan Train, the remaining sections to be built. The event came amid protests regarding the environmental damage to the Mayan Riviera.


Entrepreneurs Ask for AICM Investments

Mexico City’s International Airport (AICM) lacks investment as it sees its income from government sources decrease over time, worry leading Mexican entrepreneurs, who ask for further resources to improve its infrastructure.


INAI Announces Initiative to Enhance Project Transparency

The National Institute for Transparency, Information Access and Personal Data Protection (INAI) is preparing its Open Infrastructure project in collaboration with 21 institutions from 10 states. The project’s goal is to improve transparency surrounding large infrastructure projects, considered a long-standing issue in the Mexican contracting environment.


Mexico City to Repurpose Offices for Housing

Aiming to reactivate the real estate and construction sectors, Mexico City’s government will promote office repurposing into housing, offering tax benefits to project developers. The initiative seeks to take advantage of abandoned corporate spaces to increase the housing supply in the city, while contributing to economic reactivation at the same time.

Photo by:   Anamul Rezwan

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