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Simple Machines with Integral Results

Gregorio Castruita - Resemin México
General Manager


Thu, 10/17/2019 - 11:59

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Q: Resemin manufactures drilling equipment for underground mining. What projects is the company working on today?
A: Our equipment is used in the main mines in Mexico, both by domestic and foreign companies, as well as by the main contractors in the country. Currently, and after six years of presence in the Mexican mining market, we have a significant number of equipment working. Our area for maintenance and services is also growing.
Q: In the last three years, Resemin launched the Muki FF and Muki LHP electro-hydraulic drilling rigs. What features make these models attractive?
A: In 2018, the Muki was one of the best-selling models. It is small, so it can be operated in the small underground sections of a mine and is designed to develop and exploit narrow vein mines. Our equipment is of simple design, can be used in underground environments and is simple enough for maintenance work. The models are not very sophisticated in terms of electronic systems, as the excess water and high temperatures often found in these environments affect the electronics. A less complex system means a lower incidence of equipment failure and greater ease of operation.
Q: What role does worker safety play in designing this type of equipment?
A: The low complexity of our machines helps safety and they are designed to align with international safety standards. From Latin America to South Africa and Asia, we have never had a problem meeting the safety specifications they ask for. Security is playing a more central role in the industry.
A few years ago, productivity was still considered the top priority, but a company cannot have an excellent month if an employee gets injured. Applying the right measures means that a number of additional requirements must be met and also that a company’s vision values both lower-ranking and higher-ranking employees. Resemin works under these standards.
Q: Resemin has a clear focus on technological innovation. How receptive is the Mexican mining industry to technological innovation?
A: For Resemin, technological innovation is a tool that we must offer. Through innovation, we make our teams more reliable and profitable. To do this, we have a team of professionals whose task is to investigate and implement improvements in our teams.
Q: How can technological innovation in the Mexican mining industry be encouraged from the public and private sectors?
A: The answer is not easy, but I think the Resemin case is an example to follow, as it is the only Latin American company that manufactures this type of equipment. Since the foundation of the company, we have implemented technological innovation, improving the technology of the equipment in such a way that we compete with highly technologically sophisticated companies. This result achieved by Resemin as a private company could also be achieved by the public sector.
Q: In which products do you expect greater demand growth in the short term? What factors will lead to this growth?
A: As part of our short-term plans, we anticipate a 30 percent increase in equipment manufacturing capacity at our plant in Peru. We want to grow in all of the equipment models that we have, since with them we can cover all of the operations that are carried out in an underground mine. We are talking about equipment for the development of tunnels, equipment for support and equipment for production. We need to be prepared to have equipment available now that we will start working with Caterpillar distributors worldwide. Our global presence will grow significantly.
Q: How has the company adapted to the new political scenario that emerged in Mexico in 2018?
A: The current political scenario has not influenced the fact that we have proposed changes in the company’s growth plans. We want to continue working to continue being a different alternative for the country’s mining industry. Globally, we will continue to work to establish ourselves as the world’s third-largest producer of underground mine drilling equipment. This is our goal.
Q: One of the keys to your business model is to pass on all the information to customers so that they can make the most of the advantages of your products. How is this training carried out?
A: The service we offer to our clients allows them to obtain the maximum possible performance and this is achieved through constant communication with them. From the moment we deliver a piece of equipment and during its operating life, after-sales service is fundamental for the best performance of the equipment. As a result, our clients have even greater confidence in us.
Q: What is your view of the investment climate in the industry?
A: The mining industry is cyclical: we have good cycles and we have complicated cycles, and the factors that lead to these cycles are difficult to predict and even to control. As in any other company, at Resemin we have to be prepared to take advantage of all the opportunities that arise during good periods; that is, to improve our processes and train our collaborators in the best possible way. It is about improving contingency plans when it comes to complicated cycles.
Q: What are Resemin’s plans for the coming years?
A: The vision that we have at Resemin is to continue positioning the brand at a global level and for this we are initiating a negotiation with Caterpillar from which an alliance can emerge at a global level. The main objective of this union is to have a more attractive business portfolio for customers. In addition, we will have the opportunity to offer our customers virtually all equipment models for the different processes carried out in an underground mine while offering greater coverage of technical support.

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