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The World

By Adrian Sanchez Roa - Lealtad Verde


By Adrian Sanchez Roa | CEO - Fri, 09/02/2022 - 13:00

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The world is a structure formed more than 4.5 billion years ago, with an area of ​​more than 510,065,284,702 square kilometers. It is home to 7,229,916,048 human beings, just over 30 million animal species, 298,000 plant species, 611,000 fungi, 100,000 different species of trees and many other quantifiable data of living beings on planet Earth. More than 180 types of currency and some 4,000 religions exist around the world.

The world is varied, complex and full of natural wealth, which human beings have not known how to share, and which today, by abusing the talent that creation gave us intelligence we are misusing to produce weapons, industrial "development," medicines, fertilizers, chemicals and others.

My name is Adrián Sánchez. They call me Plastiboy. My life has always been about finding mechanisms for reusing plastics or their complete reintegration into a natural state. But let's not talk about me, let's talk about you. What have you done to ensure the existence of life on this planet? What do you do to deserve to live on Earth? Real data tells us that at the rate we are going, our world will not support life for more than 50 years without at least 40 percent of the flora and fauna having been destroyed.

Governments today are very concerned about finding how to stop climate change but for me, the main problem is you. You, who continues to consume abusively; you, who basks in excesses; you, who uses your car not out of necessity but out of laziness; you, who smokes; you, who does not separate the garbage, disrespecting the places destined to do it and much less your government; you, who prefers capitalism before generating and supporting the construction of alternative energies where we can all use our waste to generate energy that fuels our lives. Because in the end, the evolution that began with the Industrial Revolution only brought catastrophic consequences, such as the massive consumption of fossil resources, excessive pollution, absurd capitalism, class differentiation, materialism, laziness, racism, absurd comforts, dehumanization, disintegration and hatred by and among the people, an arms race that today, incidentally, has us all hanging by a thread, given the threats of wars and nuclear attacks for demonstrating an absurd power, or for believing that God commands destruction in order to generate, and that his commandments are absolute. I tell all religious leaders and those of the world that today is the time they decide how they will write their name in the history of our planet, whether as tyrants, destroyers, saviors or as true leaders of people.

God does not choose leaders who seek war, nor who use weapons to kill or intimidate. Terrorism is not a mandate from God or from the natural laws of life. War only generates risks and necessary deaths, coupled with all the levels of pollution it generates. And although we can count the human deaths that occur with a terrorist attack or a war, we forget about the flora and fauna that also suffer many casualties, as well as the destruction of the environment that we all inhabit.

Today is the time to generate a change, to work together, to put aside race, social classes and religious beliefs and become a single humanity called “inhabitants of planet Earth.” To be able to work on the mechanisms that we will adapt to be able to stop climate change, to be able to stop the wars in the world, to give us all a hug in unity, to re-create an alliance with our Mother Earth and above all, to be able to be in communion and grateful to God, in whom each one of us believes, but who ultimately is the God who wants the unity of fraternal life of this humanity.

Photo by:   Adrian Sanchez Roa

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