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Logistics and AI: Two Powerful Forces, Mighty and True

By Jasiel Cárdenas - BeGo


By Jasiel Cardenas | COO - Thu, 01/26/2023 - 12:00

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“Some people may have concerns or fears about artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on society. Media portrayals of AI may fuel these concerns as a potential threat to humanity or fear of the unknown. However, it is essential to note that AI is simply a tool that can be used for a wide range of purposes, both positive and negative. It is up to humans to determine how it is used. While it is important to consider the potential risks and ethical implications of AI, it is also important to recognize the many potential benefits that it can bring. AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, improve healthcare, and make our lives easier and more efficient.”

This introductory paragraph was written entirely by an AI language model called ChatGPT. By giving it a prompt, the program can write complete essays or give you ideas for starting your piece. In this case, the prompt was: please write an essay about fearing artificial intelligence. If we read the previous text closely, we’ll find some word repetitions and a general lack of vocabulary: “potential” is written five times in just six sentences. Let’s focus on what we can use from what it wrote. What ideas can we make the most of? First, AI is a tool that can be used for many purposes. This is probably the most crucial point ChatGPT makes in its first paragraph. AI is here to help us. Everything it has learned was possible because of humans, and its use depends on what humans want. Second, it makes our lives easier and more efficient. 

How does ChatGPT work precisely? This is what it answered: 

“As a language model, the system can generate text based on the data it has been trained on. When writing, the system processes the prompt or topic that is given to it and uses the information that it has learned from its training data to generate text that is relevant to the prompt. The specific process that the system uses to create text may vary depending on the task and the type of text that is being developed. For example, if the system generates an essay, it may first brainstorm ideas and create an outline to organize its thoughts. It may then use this outline to develop the body of the article, using information from its training data to support its arguments and provide additional context.”

When asked how ChatGPT can help the logistics sector, the system gave some interesting points on what AI may do but not what an AI language model may do. The list is long:  “AI can analyze large amounts of data to predict demand, identify bottlenecks in the supply chain, and optimize routes and schedules to improve efficiency. It can also help to optimize inventory levels, reduce waste and excess, and improve accuracy and efficiency in tracking and restocking. AI can be used to develop autonomous vehicles for logistics, such as self-driving trucks and drones. Chatbots and virtual assistants can help to improve customer service by providing timely and accurate information to customers and handling inquiries and requests. AI can be used to analyze transactions and identify fraudulent activity in real-time, helping to reduce losses and improve security in the logistics sector. Overall, AI has the potential to significantly improve efficiency and productivity in the logistics sector, helping to reduce costs and improve customer satisfaction.”

This answer bears the question: is AI replacing the human workforce? Artificial intelligence is shifting our understanding of the workforce, but this doesn’t necessarily mean humans will be replaced by intelligent machines: new jobs will be needed. It is a complicated scenario, but technological advances need to be addressed responsibly, always bearing in mind that this progress is meant to help humans, not affect them negatively. Many changes happened during the Industrial Revolution: people thought they were no longer needed in factories. This was not precisely true; new jobs were available, and people changed their perspectives on what work meant. Let’s remember what ChatGPT told us: “AI is simply a tool that can be used for many purposes.” Technology serves us, not the other way around. When we focused on the logistics sector, the program gave us a long list of what AI could do to help. It simplifies all the work that usually takes the time needed to do some other things; in other words, it improves efficiency along the supply chain. From virtual assistants to predicting demand, AI is here to make our lives easier. 

At BeGo, we encourage using new technologies to improve our daily performance. As a technology startup focused on logistics, we are committed to developing new technological opportunities: predicting supply and demand, perfecting our customer service, finding the best routes for our truckers to deliver safely and on time, avoiding empty trucks going back and forth pointlessly, generating the necessary paperwork for the users and the drivers of our platform, geolocating cargo and estimating its time of arrival, and collecting historical data to know where to find more merchandise. “In today's digital age, using technology can give businesses a competitive advantage in their industry. By embracing new technologies and staying current, they can differentiate and stand out.”

BeGo is aware of AI's implications in our daily lives; our team is devoted to investigating and adapting to the forever-changing technological climate. And now, I want to share with you the poem that ChatGPT wrote. 

“Logistics and artificial intelligence,

Two powerful forces, so mighty and true.

One helps us move goods and services,

The other allows us to see what we can do.

With logistics, we can track and manage,

All the items that we need to deliver.

From the warehouse to the final stage,

We can make sure that our customers never quiver.

And with artificial intelligence,

We can analyze and understand.

All the data that comes our way,

To help us make the correct command.

Together, these two are a match made in heaven,

Helping businesses run smoothly and efficiently.

They're the driving forces of the modern age,

Leading us towards a brighter future endlessly.”

Note: ChatGPT wrote all parts in quotes.

Photo by:   Jasiel Cárdenas

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