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NOM 37 and the Chance to Improve Work Life Through Flex Spaces

By Agustín Jiménez - WeWork México
Country Manager


Agustín Jiménez By Agustín Jiménez | Country Manager - Thu, 05/11/2023 - 14:00

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After almost two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work proved to be an effective mechanism to continue work activities, prioritizing the prevention of infection, in addition to the fact that it has led to the generation of efficiencies and benefits for companies and workers who have implemented it, such as less time in traffic and the reduction of work absenteeism.

Because of this, companies found themselves with the necessity to change their working models into something more flexible in order to maintain the benefit of employees managing their time according to individual needs, while at the same time giving everyone the space to have face-to-face interactions to achieve more efficient results and continue to develop work relations. Due to these changes, we have seen modifications related to work life across  industries, including work models, work spaces and labor law. 

In 2022, the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare prepared the Mexican Official Norm Project PROY-NOM-037-STPS-2022, for Teleworking-Safety and Health Conditions at Work (NOM 37), through which the authority established the risk prevention measures that employers must provide to their employees who work remotely. These regulations cover a variety of topics, including services, ergonomics, lighting, ventilation, noise levels, and more. 

The latest version of this norm was approved on March 3 and will enter into force 180 calendar days after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation, making compliance mandatory for all employers operating in Mexico, regardless of their industry or size.

How are Coworking and Flexible Spaces Reliable Options?

One of the most challenging aspects of NOM 37 compliance is ensuring that work spaces meet the required standards. This can be a time-consuming and expensive process, especially for smaller businesses that may not have the resources to invest in the necessary equipment and infrastructure. Here is where Coworking and Flexible Spaces  can help by providing fully equipped offices designed to meet NOM 37 requirements.

In addition to providing fully equipped office spaces, employers are required to supply cleaning and maintenance services to ensure that workspaces are kept hygienic to prevent the spread of illnesses and improve the overall health and safety of workers.

Furthermore, the regulation now states that, in order to prevent psychosocial risks in remote work, employers must incorporate breaks and rest times during the workday to help improve the well-being of workers.

Based on all of this, we can say that solutions like those  WeWork offers, thanks to its expertise as a global leader in providing flexible workspace services to individuals and businesses of all sizes, are of great help to employers. WeWork, for example, is already prepared to ensure they will comply with the regulations in terms of space, safety and health conditions.  

WeWork and other flexible workspace providers are equipped with high-speed internet, ergonomic furniture, proper ventilation systems, and adequate lighting to ensure that workers can perform their tasks safely and comfortably while ensuring that the company meets all necessary health and safety standards. Also, for companies in the industry that have more than one building, all the processes and services offered are usually standardized, giving all employers the confidence that, no matter what building, city, or country their employee is in, they will be able to guarantee compliance with everything established in the norm.

Also, through some flexible workspace providers, employers can assure they are addressing the prevention of psychosocial risks, recently incorporated into the regulation, thanks to  a range of amenities focused on the improvement of well-being, such as fitness centers, yoga rooms, fun and meditation spaces, which can help reduce stress and improve mental health. 

Regulations like  NOM 37 highlight the changing priorities that we face nowadays in the working industry. Guaranteeing the well-being of employees in order for them to perform under the best conditions has become a necessity rather than a benefit. Having flexible work options allows employers to comply with such guidelines, yet the true importance of these regulations and the creation of these spaces, relies further on the opportunity to humanize the workspace, as well as dignifying and bringing people back to the center of our working models. 

This industry was born with the intention of transforming the way people worked and related through spaces in which both companies and people could develop. Flexible workspaces are no longer just a "nice experience;" they have become the best ally for companies of all sizes, not only because of the variety of services that may seem cool (that we consider necessary for employees to perform under the best conditions), but also because of the savings and the flexibility we offer, which are crucial when trying to adapt to any external circumstance. 

Today, we have a real opportunity to impact the well-being of people. I am completely certain that flexible model spaces are the best option in terms of know-how and costs for all companies that need to comply with the regulation, but, also, to adapt to present and future workspace needs, helping to improve job development and people’s quality of life.

Photo by:   Agustín Jiménez

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