

Delivery Food Apps Showcase Success of Digital Economy in MENA
By Yemile Mariana Tuma - Thu, 08/10/2023 - 12:00
MENA’s commitment to innovation and digital transformation makes it a perfect opportunity for Mexican tech startups, writes Mariana Tuma.
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Construction a Fast-Growing Sector in Arab Countries
By Yemile Mariana Tuma - Tue, 01/24/2023 - 13:00
Construction boom in the Gulf Cooperation Council region offers opportunities for Mexican companies, writes Yemile Mariana Tuma.
Pharmaceutical Hubs in MENA Region Show Remarkable Growth
By Yemile Mariana Tuma - Mon, 10/24/2022 - 11:00
MENA-Mexico cooperation in the pharma sector represents a great business opportunity for entrepreneurs to explore, writes Mariana Tuma.
Arab Countries Eye Energy Diversification, Including Renewables
By Yemile Mariana Tuma - Wed, 07/06/2022 - 11:00
Renewable energy represents an opportunity to change the region’s dependence on energies like oil and gas, writes Yemile Mariana Tuma.
The Bright Future for Tourism in Saudi Arabia
By Yemile Mariana Tuma - Mon, 04/18/2022 - 16:00
With a focus on tourism, which requires a wide variety of supplies, there are a range of opportunities for Mexican businesses, writes Mariana Tuma.