

Existing Regulations Hinder Advancements in Healthcare
By Sofía Garduño - Thu, 04/11/2024 - 15:25
Current regulation in Mexico hinders the full development of healthcare markets, including cannabis and AI, says BPF’s Jaime Castro.
More Health
An Industry That Could Not Exist Without Women
By Raúl Elizalde Garza - Mon, 03/04/2024 - 12:00
Women have and are making valuable contributions in establishing the global cannabis industry, writes Raúl Elizalde Garza.
 This Week in Health: Accessibility, Tech, and Cannabis
By Anmol Motwani - Thu, 11/16/2023 - 14:34

This week in health explores the gap in mental health awareness and access, quantum computing medical applications, and cannabis legislation.

Blurring the Cannabis Line: Dichotomy of Speculation, Science
By Erick Ponce - Fri, 08/18/2023 - 11:00
The potential of the cannabis industry lies not in sweeping claims but in the methodical exploration of its unique properties, writes Erick Ponce.
Paws, Claws and Cannabis Laws: Vets Turning to Medical Cannabis
By Erick Ponce - Tue, 07/18/2023 - 12:16
Adopting a generalized view of “cannabis=health” can help educate stakeholders about the benefits of medical cannabis, writes Erick Ponce.
Blood Donation and Organ Transplants: The Week in Health
By Anmol Motwani - Wed, 06/14/2023 - 09:22
Efforts are being made to raise awareness, educate the public and remove barriers to donation.
Are Commercial CBD Products High-Quality Products?
By Raúl Elizalde Garza - Tue, 06/13/2023 - 09:57
Quality is the top target for the cannabis industry due to the impact it has on consumers and the industry’s growth, writes Raúl Elizalde Garza.
Use of Cannabis Products Surges Among Seniors: Study
By Anmol Motwani - Fri, 06/09/2023 - 11:53
Older adults are increasingly turning to cannabis to manage medical conditions, igniting a surge that could benefit Mexico's economy.
Cannabis Day, World Health Day: A Serendipitous Connection
By Erick Ponce - Wed, 05/10/2023 - 17:00
Adopting a generalized view of ‘cannabis=health’ can help educate stakeholders about the benefits of medical cannabis, writes Erick Ponce.
IMSS-Bienestar Expands, Adds Traditional Medicine Programs
By Paloma Duran - Thu, 03/16/2023 - 10:15
Hidalgo is implementing the IMSS-Bienestar Program, which is incorporating traditional practices.