

Medicines Only a Click Away
By Sofía Garduño - Wed, 02/22/2023 - 16:34
Digital pharmacies are gaining popularity. However, regulation is still catching up, which means there are still risks to address.

More Health
E-Pharmacies in Mexico Need a Regulatory Standard
By Sofía Garduño - Mon, 11/14/2022 - 10:56
A standard for e-prescriptions would simplify operations for the industry and give COFEPRIS more control, says Farmalisto’s Jose Antonio Crespo.
The Pharma E-Commerce Opportunity: What It Takes to Win
By Sandra Sánchez-Oldenhage - Fri, 05/20/2022 - 09:00
Optimizing the pharma business model by offering e-commerce options in this digital era is simply smart business, writes Sandra Sánchez-Oldenhage.
FDA Notifies Amazon of Potentially Dangerous Products
By Miriam Bello - Mon, 08/02/2021 - 17:49
The FDA found potentially harmful drug ingredients in some of Amazon’s non-prescription products.
E-Commerce Pharmacy a Customer Experience
By Miriam Bello - Wed, 05/13/2020 - 11:46
With a new platform coming out medimonth wishes to attract individuals with chronic conditions who are as young as 30 years old.
E-Pharmacies: A Long-Term Solution
By Miriam Bello - Tue, 05/12/2020 - 11:20
E-commerce has experienced a boost due to lockdowns imposed all over the world. But everything sold must be subject to regulation.