

AI for All: Empowering Women in the Age of Innovation
By Óscar Goytia - Wed, 04/24/2024 - 17:37
Policymakers, companies, and academia must develop programs to promote women's inclusion in the industry, says Anaid Sustaita
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Women Could Mitigate Mexico’s IT Talent Gap
By Tomás Lujambio - Fri, 09/15/2023 - 12:55
Supporting women’s integration into the IT sector could bridge Mexico's talent gap and bolster economic growth.
The Hidden Consequences of Digital Violence on Women
By Cinthya Alaniz Salazar - Wed, 03/08/2023 - 13:52
The rise of online gender-based violence against women is exacerbating the digital divide, barring access to a digital environment free of violence.
Normality Is the Antithesis of Innovation
By Juana Ramírez - Tue, 11/08/2022 - 11:00
Juana Ramirez reflects on her time leading ASEM and understanding the entrepreneurial spirit.
Workplace Diversity, Inclusion: Empowering Productive Teams
By Alejandro Preinfalk - Wed, 08/25/2021 - 13:06
Incorporating diversity, equity and inclusion into a company’s culture leads to great results beyond engagement, writes Alejandro Preinfalk.
Boosting Latina Participation in Tech One Step at a Time
By Andrea Villar - Fri, 06/11/2021 - 06:00
Being a Latin woman is still a barrier to labor inclusion in the US. Empowerment and mentoring are part of Latinas in Tech's actions to address this
Gender Diversity in Tech Companies, Still a Long Road Ahead
By MBN Staff - Thu, 06/04/2020 - 13:09
According to the International Monetary Fund, closing the gender gap in Latin America can increase GDP by 35 percent